Time for Your Friends to Gather, Learn, and Cook!
Chef Robin comes from a family of generations of educators, so it's just natural for her to match up her culinary skills
with educating others.
Culinary Sessions are generally held for a few hours during an evening or a weekend afternoon.
Your Culinary Session of the topic of your choice will include:
- Culinary History - Kitchen Demonstration -
Hands-On Session for You
- Time to Sit and Share and Eat! - All Food & Tools Included
Culinary Session Specials
Appetizer Party!
I see an appetizer party in your future! Creative tips and ideas on the perfect appetizers including menu
planning, hands-on sessions for three appetizers plus the mastery of presentation and basics in garde manger!
Appetizer Party Sessions = $25 per attendee
Includes all tools and food required.
Call Chef Robin now - 221-0010!